Investing insights:


...delivered to your free dashboard

Our algorithms read every single financial statement published by American public companies.

We analyze all the financial information and present what is important to you, the investor - saving you countless hours.

Our dashboards are updated daily ...and we always have the best picks:

  • best PE ratios
  • best dividend payout rates
  • most undervalued companies
  • fastest-growing companies
  • best low-debt companies
  • fastest-growing large companies
  • Warren Buffett's famous "cigar-butt" companies

It's the ultimate stock picker.

New to stock investment? Our reports and dashboards include detailed explanations making it easy for everyone!

Get ready for a huge upgrade in your investment style!

A quick and easy way to get the best investment opportunities in any market.

A new platform that gives you a comprehensive view of every company on the NYSE and NASDAQ - showing you vital details like dividends, stock prices, profits, and much more - all on one page.

Easily see if a company is a good investment

Financial statements are long, dry, and hard to understand.

Now you can quickly see the numbers that are important to you.

This graph is the result of twenty sets of financial statements. Now it's easy to spot interesting trends.

Easily see if a company is a good investment

Executives sell their stock for many reasons (new private island?), but they only buy for one reason:

they believe in their company.

Executives and board members are in a position to know much more about their company than the general public.

When they buy, we pay attention, and so should you.

Easily see if a company is a good investment

On the other hand, when board members sell large amounts of their own stock over an extended period... want to know about it.

Look at the scale on this graph - hundreds of billions!

Spot interesting trends in boardroom trading

We love high dividend stocks with stable dividend payouts supported by stable financial performance.

Dividend payouts from strong companies give you stable returns even if the stock price stays at the same level.

If you buy a great company that is temporarily cheap, you have to wait for the market to recognize this and drive the price up.

But with high quality dividend stocks, you start profiting immediately.

Easily see if a company is a good investment